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Fall Wellness Tips

With fall comes beautiful foliage, cooler temperatures, and the smell of nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon. There are shorter days and seemingly less time, but don’t be fooled! During the seasonal transition into fall, think of it as a way to transition into healthier habits.  

Here are a few fun and simple ways to maintain wellness through the autumn season.  

Nourish Your Body with Local Seasonal Vegetables – Eating seasonally means you are consuming foods at the same time of year they are harvested.  These foods are fresher, tastier, and more nutritious than food consumed out of season because they are picked at the peak of freshness. And if you’re eating local foods, you’re supporting farmers and benefiting the planet by not purchasing items that have been flown in from a different country.  

MSQW Eat Seasonally with roasted vegetables

If you’re unsure about what foods are in season in your area, head over to Seasonal Food Guide and choose your state –they make it so easy! Below is a peek at what’s in season late October in the state of New York.

Seasonal Produce Available in New York Late October
Seasonal Food Guide


Sleep with the Natural Cycles – Before the invention of time, humans rested when the sun went down and woke when the sun arose. Listen carefully to your body’s cues. If it’s easier to embrace this idea by creating a new nighttime ritual, go for it! Some of our staff favorites include preparing for the next day so you’re not rushed in the morning, taking a bath, writing in a journal, stretching, and meditation.  

Hale Mercantile Co.


Stay Active and Enjoy the Outdoors – While summer tends to get the most attention for outdoor activity, fall is arguably the most beautiful time to get out into natureWe love going for a hike, taking a walk in a park, or going for a bike ride.  While it’s a great time of year to cozy up inside, remember staying active helps maintain a healthy immune system by boosting circulation and preventing a stagnant lymphatic system. 

MSQW Outdoor Fall Activities  

 As the temperatures drop and the plants lose foliage, their energy returns to the root. Our hope is that you will use this fall season as a time treturn to your roots, to reflect, and focus on you. 
